Alan Brice's Article: Children Of War

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Ha from Inside Out and Back Again and refugees from the article “Children of War” lose everything: their family, friends, stuff they owned, and the way they used to live. First, Ha is feeling inside out when she arrives in America, for example “What I don't love: pink sofas, green chairs, plastic cover on a table, stained mattresses, old clothes, unmatched dishes.” (Lai 127) Ha is used to having everything match within her home; but now in America things are unmatching and not what she is used to. Second, the war in Bosnia affected the children of war such as, “Everything completely changed. One minute we had everything, then we had nothing.” (Brice) As a result of this the children of war are feeling inside out because they used to have a peaceful normal life …show more content…

Ha is feeling inside out proof of this is,“GOOONNNNGGGGG rings out; how soothing a real gong sounds” (Lai 233) Ha’s feeling inside out because her mother continues the traditional/ ritual of praying using the gong incenses and chants as she did back in Vietnam, however in Vietnam she would pray for the father to return safely now she is praying because she realized that the father is gone. Ha is feeling inside out a example of this is “Here, people don't judge you by your religion.” (Brice) For this reason they are feeling back again because the refugees have a struggle going into a new life and when the refugees find friends and realize they won't judge you they have friends like they did at home. To point out “The sugar Ha’s melted off leaving plump moist chewy bites. Hummm… not the same, but not bad at all.” (Lai 234) Therefore, Ha is feeling inside out because she is tasting her papaya again and she had papaya when she lived in Vietnam and it's reminding her of her papaya that she used to have. In conclusion Ha and refugees are struggling to find their personal belongings

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