Aissawa Music In South Africa

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Aissawa has been around for many centuries it originated in Morocco and slowly made its way to Arabia till this day both of these countries still use religious the same rituals and music. Aissawa is generally used for better health or a better future. It is mostly played during certain holidays, birthdays and when a baby is being born. The type of beat to the song is very upbeat and positive and consists of a dance that is usually used for all the Aissawa songs. As for Africa the songs there are a little different for they don’t use words they make noises in their music. South Africa today, Aissawa music has more of a western beat and is generally used for both entertainment and religious events. While in Arabia the genre there is only used for religion and brotherhood. The Aissawa also known as Aissawa, Issawa, Aissaoua, Issaoua is a religious and unique brotherhood genre that was founded by Sidid Ben Aissa in the 15th century in Meknes, morocco. He is also known as the Shaykh Al-Kamil, or the Perfect Sufi Master. The terms Issawa, Aissaoua, Issaoua and Aissawa derive from founder Sidid Ben Aissa who also created brotherhood into the religion. They are known for their spiritual music, which generally comprises songs of religious psalms which can …show more content…

The mizmar’s double reed is made from a plant in the desert and Bedouins called hagna. The body of the mizmar is made from a wooden pipe called Iaseq. A smaller percussion that is used by a stick to play the drums another instrument being used is what a tambourine and a very large percussion that is strapped to the body. Sometimes the medium sized percussions will consist of the tambourines attached to the sides of the instruments so when being used it will make two sounds at once one being the drum and the other being the tambourine part. The other two percussions being used are flat and are being use by the hand to produce

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