Agvocate Vs Agtivists

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Most consumers think that the word “agriculture” only has to deal with plants and farming. However, the word “Agriculture” is an extremely broad term that covers plant production to animal production. In the agriculture world, the terms “agvocates” and “agtivists” are terms that are gaining popularity by the day. There are many groups that fit under these subcategories of the agriculture industry. Both of these groups aid in the development of the agriculture industry despite having different values. Many people in the agriculture industry argue over the value of these groups and how they affect the public’s view of agriculture. Without these groups, positive changes in the agriculture industry would not be made and the industry would be at …show more content…

According to Mike Haley, agvocacy is allowing other people to express the joys and discomforts of the agriculture industry while still respecting their opinions.This can innvolve communicating with those that are unfamiliar with agriculture that are curious about how the agriculture industry works. It is through communication and developing trustworthy relationships that the agriculture industry can be properly introduced to the public that is interested (Haley). The agvocate community allows people who are interested in modern farming the benefit of hearing the importance of agriculture and the way the agriculture industry works. Agvocates aim for a positive voice in the agriculture industry (Agvocate For…). A group by the name “Agvocates” help share this positive voice in the ag industry. “Agvocates” mission statement is to allow students with special needs to develop skills they will need throughout their life by allowing them to interact with various farm animals. The founder of the group, Josh Hargis, decided to …show more content…

Anti-Agricultural Activism normally focuses on the use of dangerous chemicals and the impact of abuse in the animal sector of the agriculture industry. These groups normally use blunt information to get their point across. Groups like PETA and Animal Agriculture Alliance release videos exposing the cruel acts that are done to animals in certain slaughterhouses. Even though most slaughterhouses treat their animals with more respect than the slaughterhouses in the videos, the public only sees the videos that are released. They normally use protests and other means of public exploitation to get their word across. The Anti-Agriculture/Animal Rights group PETA allows the public to see into the most gruesome slaughterhouses that are housed in the United States as well as across the world. PETA stands for “People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals.” Their mission statement is to stop the use, consumption, and exploitation of animals in any and all situations (About PETA). PETA has released multiple videos on popular animal production factories like Pilgrim’s Pride, Hormel, and many more. They have even exposed colleges like Washington University for testing on animals. Animal Agricultural Alliance is a group that allows the public to learn animal abuse cases that happen in their very own state. For example, in the state of Kentucky, two animal abuse cases have been documented. One at

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