Agnosticism: What Is The Correct Worldview?

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What is the Correct Worldview? One’s worldview is usually dependant on how the particular individual interprets life and its occurrences. Additionally, if one believes something to be so, it will be so to them. It’s all a matter of perception. However, which perspective is truly accurate: Agnosticism, Theism, or Deism? These three worldviews have been the subject of countless debates throughout history and that have yet to be concluded. The purpose of this philosophical essay is to suggest that theism is likely to be considered the correct worldview. The theistic view states that there is in fact a creator of the universe and he does intervene in our lives. It is more logical to assume that there is a “force” that had to start the whole …show more content…

According to agnostics, there is absolutely no proof of a God and thus, “God” could actually be an existence fabricated from myths. In addition, it is believed that the universe is both ethereal and uncaused by any higher power; it is simply “just there”. Take the Big Bang Theory for example, agnostics claim the universe essentially sprang into existence all on its own and life is merely a series of random processes. Likewise, one could easily ask the question, if God created the universe then who created God? However, some may argue that deism is the most accurate worldview since it is most rationally correct. Many scientists today are actually discovering reasons to believe a God does exist but does not intervene in our daily lives. Philosopher, Antony Flew, was known for being a famous atheist that later took on the deist approach because of how modern science is beginning to “prove” the existence of a creator. Both agnostics and deists agree that there are explanations for mundane happenings and mystical occurrences are merely coincidental. Similarly, if there is a supposedly good God, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world? Why does he not …show more content…

First of all, agnostics tend to use emotional arguments rather than rational ones. This is prominent in the film, God’s Not Dead. Professor Raddison was an atheist through and through, which cause him to mistreat his Christian student. Raddison states, “I hate God” and his student, Josh Wheaton relies, “How can you hate someone that doesn’t exist?” Furthermore, for one to claim that the universe simply appeared out of nowhere and was created from nothing, by nothing is extremely flawed reasoning. Agnostics will swear up and down that science is the absolute truth, yet they continue to argue that something can be created from nothing; it is well known that is invalid. Using mathematics, the most accurate branch of science, one can easily disprove that argument. For example, 8 ÷ 0=undefined, meaning it is impossible. This clearly displays that something cannot be created from nothing. Every effect must first have a cause and every existence in our world is the result of a cause that permitted its existence. Such as humans, nobody can zap a baby into existence, it must first be created. In addition, the theistic God is an uncaused God, which many agnostics fail to comprehend. Therefore, according to a theist, God is both antecedent and eternal; he is neither caused nor uncaused. Similar to matter,

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