Agent Carter Season 4 Essay

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Agent Carter Season 1 Much like Luke Cage, Agent Carter explores social justice but in the late 1940’s. Hayley Atwell is easily the best part of the show as she fights for women’s rights and kicks a lot of ass on the way. Agent Carter deserved her own story and it was a treat for fans to see a strong woman in a lead role that inspired women everywhere. Agents of Shield Season 4 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD just gets better and better with every season. Season 4 explored a much darker tone and introduced fan favorites like Ghost Rider and Madam Hydra. This season has so many episodes that stood out and had action sequences that defined the series. If this streak continues I am beyond excited for Season 5. Ant-Man Paul Rudd steals the show as Scott Lang in a fun, relaxed, and entertaining addition to the MCU. The plot seemed rushed and the writing wasn’t the best but Paul Rudd and the …show more content…

The story wasn’t anything special, cameos were wasted, and it was overall extremely forgettable. The acting was definitely one of the best parts of the movie, but that’s about it. The fight scenes were boring and the scenes on Earth were either clingy or idiotic. This film would have benefited from less characters, more development, and less time on Earth. In my opinion, Thor is the weakest MCU movie to date. However, I have extremely high hopes for Ragnarok! Agent Carter Season 2 What started off as a great show quickly took a turn for the worst. Although the new setting and lack of Captain America was refreshing, the weak story and bad acting couldn’t save the season. Hawley Atwell and Dominic Cooper shine as always, but the rest of the characters aren’t that great and feel very one-dimensional. I wish the writers of the show were given one more season to try and find their footing but unfortunately the show was cancelled before it could rise to greatness. Iron

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