Agency Theory or Principal Agent Theory

625 Words2 Pages

Agency Theory or Principal Agent Theory is the relationship that involved the contractual link between the shareholders (the principals) that provide capital to the company and the management (agent) who runs the company. The principals will engage the agent to carry out some services on their behalf and would normally delegate some decision-making authority to the agents. However, as the number of shareholders and the complexity of operations grew, the agent, who had the expertise and essential knowledge to operate the business and company tend to increasingly gained effective control and put them in a position where they were prone to pursue their own interests instead of shareholder’s interest.

Agency theory addresses three types of problems that could exist from the separation of ownership and management which might consequently affect firm value later. They are the effort problem, the assets’ use problem and different risk preferences problem.

The first problem is the effort problem which concerns whether or not managers apply proper effort in managing corporations so as to ...

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