Ageism In The Old Age

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“The Golden Years? You've got to be kidding...(Nelson)” Ageism is the main influence for how older people view the aging process. Despite stereotypes, today, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond. A longer life represents an important opportunity, not only for older people and their families, but also for societies as a whole. Additional years provide the chance to pursue new activities such as further education or a long-neglected passion, while continuing to make valuable contributions to family and community. The stereotype of depressed lonely old people is a pervasive one, but it is not supported by the facts. Throughout my interview I noticed that, despite health issues, Ms. Nelson …show more content…

You can't turn on the radio, television or visit your news homepage without being bombarded with multiple advertisements of miracle products promising to make every crease and fold and lump vanish. Women receive a great deal of pressure from society to maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance. However, as men begin to exhibit signs of aging through grey hair and various facial wrinkles they are often viewed as properly aging. It cannot be a surprise that because of the way we celebrate youthful appearances, we are quick to reject the aging process that we are all bound to face. In fact, at this very moment we are aging. One's age is often a sensitive topic and is very much a part of the aging process and how we embrace it. In the interview Mrs. Nelson expressed great concern for how others view her. She stated, “everyone views me as not mattering anymore or as being too fragile to handle (Nelson).” In general, individuals have a hard time dealing with getting older and it is completely understandable. Their roles personally and professionally shift, children begin their own lives and families, responsibilities change and so do their bodies. These life changes can be very challenging for someone and no matter when it happens it seems to sneak up. One of the most interesting aspects of the aging process is perception. Here, perception relates to how a person perceives themselves and what age they feel like. When asking someone who is older than you what age they feel like they are, very few people will respond that they feel like their actual chronological age. When speaking to Mrs. Nelson she claimed to be feeling older than her age because she was losing sight and is not able to get around as well as she could years ago (Nelson). It is can be the job of social workers to get them

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