Age Of Revolution Essay

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The Age of Revolution effected a variety of cultures, manufacturers, and countries. Including France, Haiti, Latin America, the United States, and Mexico revolution sparked in a variety of reforms and uprisings. The period of Enlightenment and revolution was fostered through advancements in Science illustrated by Isaac Newton’s (1642-1727) Laws of Physics. Along with political and philosophical advancements by John Locke (1632-1704) with his Natural laws, Social Contract, and popular sovereignty, Voltaire’s (1694-1778) criticisms on the monarchy and Catholic church as oppressive institutions, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) views of power and how it resides with the people. All of these ideas brought forth a motion of change and reform …show more content…

The thirteen colonies upset by their mother countries blatant disregard of increased taxes and tariffs on goods began to separate into Tories (for separating) and Loyalist (against separating). Tensions escalated as public riots became blood baths commenced soon the disconnect of the monarchy was not just a physical and philosophical one but political as well. The American Revolution ended in 1783 with the treaty of Paris. The United States created a constitution based off of the social contract and many new enlightened ideas. Revolution continued to take hold and landed in France where political discontent rest. France currently dealing with a large financial crisis caused by the funding of the American Revolution along with bad harvests let to famine and starvation. However the economic downturn was felt not by the 1st or 2nd estates which were the clergy and nobility that make up 3% of Frances population but, by the 3rd estate or common wealth which was 97% of the population. While Marie Antoinette or madam deficit and King Louie XVI led lavish and expensive lives their common wealth was starving political and social up-rise began mostly based off of the enlightenment

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