Agatha Christie Research Paper

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Agatha Christie and Her Struggle with Dysgraphia “Dysgraphia is a condition that causes trouble with written expression,” as stated by Erica Patino. This disease has a major impact on the subject’s life and can even affect simple, everyday tasks (Patino). Agatha Christie, a world renowned author, was able to overcome dysgraphia by persevering and never giving up (UM). Dysgraphia is a disease that affects a person’s ability to write. This makes it incredibly difficult to be able to express one’s thoughts in writing (Richards 67). Dysgraphia is categorized into five different symptoms: visual-spatial, language processing, spelling and handwriting, grammar, and the ability to organize language. Visual-spatial causes the writer to run words …show more content…

They believe it has something to do with genetics, but there is no real answer to why people contract this condition (Patino). Symptoms of dysgraphia affect around five to twenty percent of the population (Pechman). Dysgraphics may also have problems with their memory. “A child may have trouble with what’s called orthographic coding,” Erica Patino explains. “This is the ability to store unfamiliar written words in the working memory. As a result, he may have a hard time remembering how to print or write a letter or word.” There are many diseases related to dysgraphia, including dyslexia, many language disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dyspraxia (Patino). When going through the diagnosis, the subject has to go through a series of tests before they are labeled with dysgraphia. Many of these analyses will consist of a professional measuring the subject’s fine motor skills and written expressions (Patino). Professionals will also study some telltale signs of this condition, such as cramping of fingers, odd positioning of the paper or body, excessive erasing due to letter form, and inconsistent letter form and slant (Richards

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