African-America In The 1960s

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Go back in time exactly 56 years, it is now 1960. Now, picture yourself in the 60’s and picture yourself hanging out with friends. It is a typical sunny day, school is out and you are hungry; so your first instinct is to get food. You arrive at the restaurant and the front is empty. You sit down, look through the menu and decide what to order. The server comes out and refuses to wait on you. Why would the server refuse to get the order? You have money. You are willing to pay for food. You are not causing trouble. You are hungry and want to eat. Have you realized you are African-American? What are you going to do about this? Are you just going to leave or are you going to take a stand? In 1960 four college students thought that this was unfair therefore, they took a stand. They would not leave as a matter of …show more content…

They did not get their food that day, but they did not leave or go sit in the very back like they were asked to . Instead of leaving, they just sat there and wanted. They wanted so long that it was finally time for the restaurant to close. But this still did not stop them the next day when they came back again. This time something great happened instead of there just being four college kids who were African-American there were more. On February 5th 1960, there had been over 300 hundred students that had joined in this protest that also heard about the four college students and started to protest some of them even went out to different restaurants for sit-ins. By the end of March the movement had spread to 55 cities in 13 States. Even though a lot of them were arrested for trespassing this did not stop them at all. Even the national media covered the peaceful protest about the sit-ins. Finally, after many months the four college students finally succeed. July 1960, African Amercains were finally able to be served first. This shows a great way to peacefully protest because no one was being violent at

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