Afghanistan Women Living Under the Taliban

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Taliban, a simple but harsh word to the women living in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. According to the, "Taliban" is a Muslim fundamentalist group that spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government. The Taliban started abusing and killing a lot of people throughout Afghanistan just to gain control. The group started by a couple of males trying to spread the Muslim faith. They began to spread throughout Afghanistan and attracted more people to be part of their group. If people were of a different faith and did not want to change, they would get killed or severely abused. They were very sexist and abused the women a lot more then the men. Also the women had to follow a lot more rules then the men. On September 27, 1996 they took over Afghanistan's capital, Kabul's, government. The whole city was demolished and looked horrible and most of the people were living in poverty. A lot of the men had to fight the civil war against al-Qaeda, so the females did not have an income and could not feed their children. The females could not go to work or get an education after the Taliban took over. They also got severely abused if they did not follow any of the rules the Taliban set up.
The Taliban created a long list of rules that the people that lived in Kabul had to follow. The women have to stay in their house. If they did need to leave, they would need a male relative, such as a husband, father, brother, or son, to escort them and they would need to wear a burqa. A burqa is "a tent-like garment that fits tightly over the head, flows to the ankles, and has only a rectangle or mesh for the women to look through." (Armstrong 2). The Taliban made wearing a burqa a rule because the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed...

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...w York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002. Print.

Baker, Aryn. "Afghan Women And the Return of The Taliban." 9 Aug. 2010: 20-28. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. .

Bush, Laura. "Don't Abandon Afghan Women." Washington Post 15 Nov. 2013: A.19. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

Filkins, Dexter. "Afghan Women Protest New Law on Home Life." The New York Times 15 Apr. 2009. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. .

"Life as an Afghan Woman." Trust in Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. .

"Taliban." Dictionary. 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2014. .

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