Advertisement Analysis: Like A Girl

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Society puts a lot of emphasis on how everyone, but mostly girls, should and should not act. We, as a society, sometimes stereotype girls as weak and less assertive. Always is trying to change this stereotype in a series of advertisements. It has been reported that when a teenager reaches puberty, her self-confidence plummets. During this time, girls become six times less likely to participate in sports than their male counterparts (Our Epic Battle). Always' advertisement, "Like a Girl," concentrates on something everyone has heard at least once: “You fight like a girl!” These words are used like wildfire by kids not knowing how much damage they may cause. The advertisement, "Like a Girl," delivers its message and captures viewers’ interest by using pre-teen and teen actors, strong emotion and facts to demonstrate the stereotype and its negative effect. The advertisement then sends the positive message of how amazing it is to be a girl in today’s society.
The first aspect that must be considered when determining the effectiveness of the advertisement is its purpose. Always, a brand of feminine products introduced in 1983 by Bethany Holroyd, strives through its advertisements, to help pre-teens and teens see …show more content…

The advertisement reports that when a teenager reaches puberty, her self-confidence plummets (Our Epic Battle). Recent research shows that seven out of ten girls feel they don’t belong in sports so it is really no wonder that over half quit sports around puberty, at a moment when their confidence plummets and they are trying to conform to societal expectations (Our Epic Battle). By including the facts to support its message, Always demonstrates that the negative stereotype surrounding the phrase “like a girl” should be challenged and changed. The facts provided show how sensitive young girls are and how the stereotype holds them back from participating in activities that they may very well

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