Advantages And Disadvantages Of Toowoomba Economy

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For years Toowoomba bolstered a robust labour dependent economy, excelling at providing working hands to the early evolving Australian industry, and retaining that reservoir for the following consecutive decades, along with the remarkably fertile farming lands this has contributed to much of the prosperity that Toowoomba enjoyed; in itself Toowoomba is regarded as a living and breathing example used by many economists to contrast Australia’s colonial evolution, its successes and failures. Clearly, as in every economical progression, change slowly takes over leaving much of the past’s base economical infrastructure impractical. Initially the inherent logistical advantage that positioned Toowoomba at the centre of the agricultural region of Queensland conveniently placed a bridge that …show more content…

This is simply because as the progress continue, Toowoomba seems to be reliant on importing these skills rather than cultivating them simply not providing for such a “niche” market as it is apparent that to do so means to compete against other already established and well-funded medical facilities in large cities. Yet what appeal would Toowoomba have in incentivizing these students to return after graduating? These students would find better paying job opportunities in other states or even abroad, this continuing trend will shape Toowoomba into a to be completely diluted in that sector, yet Toowoomba remains prevalent in Queensland, as Toowoomba has something other metro cities lack: affordable housing. With an almost certain job vacancy for such work force, along with the combination of lower prices in most aspects, Toowoomba is labeled as an “Opportunity City”, one that has proficiently aimed to attract the experienced sector from the healthcare workforce

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