Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Suffrage Movement In The 20th Century

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Suffrage Movement in the 20th Century
At the turn of the century, many women believed it was about time they were given the rights of men. To start, women protested for the right to vote and caused a movement that would last almost twenty years. This movement became known as the Suffrage Movement and led to the creation of multiple women activists parties and associations. To get their point across they used a range of tactics originating throughout the world, some included peaceful protests to extreme lengths of women tying themselves to the white house fencing. Through these many years these women activists won the right to vote with the 19th amendment.
In the beginning, women who believed in their right to vote started to gather and form
Both sides of the argument saw advantages and disadvantages in each other. The NAWSA took the opportunity to call this movement a war and referred to all of the groups of women through military terms. The Suffrage Movement shifted into a new gear in 1917 with this in which they sought to win this war as fast as possible, Carrie Catt set the road map of their campaign to win by 1920 (Document5). They aimed for the states to adopt women’s right to vote as a whole country. Soon, another association knowns as the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) push for state-by-state right to vote
The United States government believed that this movement was a distraction from the great war raging in Europe. They thought that “our country in this hour of peril should be spared the harassing of its public men and the distracting of its people from work for the war” (Document 6). As the government held its own ideas, they soon started acting more violent against protesters as Rose Winslow writes, “The guards fell upon us. I saw Miss Lincoln, a slight young girl, thrown to the floor. Mrs. Nolan, a delicate old lady of 73, mastered by two men. The furniture was overturned and the room was a scene of havoc. The whole group of women were thrown, dragged and hurled out of the office… I was thrown, with four others, in a cell with a narrow bed and dirty blankets” (Document 7). From this it seems that the government thought handling both the great war and the suffrage movement was necessary for America. Business agreed with the government and felt as though the reform movement and the costs were horrifying. Churches opposed the ideas through that marriage was a sacred bond in which the entire family was represented by the man

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