Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Columbian Exchange

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1. How did the Columbian exchange lead to redistributions of power and population? In your response, examine a range of changes brought by the Columbian exchange.

When Columbus arrived in 1492 it ended the ages old separation between the two hemispheres, connecting the western hemisphere to Europe. During this period there was interexchange of plants, goods, technology and diseases between the two parties which had its many advantages and disadvantages for both of the parties. This interexchange of goods, plants and etc. is known as Columbian Exchange.

When the Spaniards first came to the new world they brought a various of things to the New world. They brought things which very common back in Europe like horses, iron technology, firearms, wheeled vehicles, sailing ships and etc. But with themselves they also brought many diseases into the new world. The diseases which made the whole Columbian Exchange extremely unsuccessful for the Indians. Native American people, goods, ideas were also exchanged during Columbian exchange. Potatoes and corn became an important part of an European daily meal.

The Native Americans came in contact with diseases which they were not known of, also their bodies had not developed any immunity against these diseases i.e. smallpox, chicken pox, malaria. For example in 1738, a smallpox epidemic killed …show more content…

In the New world Spaniards obviously had an upper hand because they had firearms and big armies which took over many Native American lands hence had more power in the New world. Back home in Europe during 1500’s a new economic policy called Mercantilism was introduced. Mercantilist thought there was fixed amount of wealth in the world. Wealth of a nation was determined by the amount of silver and gold it possessed and as we know the Spaniards were using the native americans as labor to mine gold and silver and take it back home which made them powerful back home as

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