Advantages And Disadvantages Of Live Attenuated Vaccines

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There is advantages and disadvantages to everything someone choses to do. The advantages to the live attenuated vaccines are that it is a living microbe that was weakened before given to the person as a vaccine. This living microbe was weakened in a lab setting so that once given it cannot cause disease to a person. Live attenuated vaccines are the closest things to getting the real deal of an infection. What these vaccines do to our body when given is they teach the body of the immune system. This is a primary antibody response is where the body adapts to the immunity. This is where the body will recognize, remember and then after that it will respond to the host. This could also become a Secondary antibody response is the memory response …show more content…

The disadvantage to a vaccine is that some need to be given yearly such as the flu shot. The flu shot is different every year based on what strain is going around at that time. This means that each year there is a different type of flu vaccine that needs to be produced for flu season. Live attenuated vaccines also can be a disadvantage because if they need to be sent over seas it is hard to do so because these types of vaccines need to be kept to a certain temperature which is hard to do when sent over seas. Also since they use living viruses these microbes could revert and form and cause disease. Live vaccines are difficult to create for bacteria’s. The reason they are difficult to create is because a bacterium has hundreds or thousands of genes and these are harder to …show more content…

Inactivated vaccines are bacteria or viruses that are killed with heat or chemicals and also sometimes radiation. These types of vaccines are used for bacterial and viral. Viral vaccines examples would be rabies or also could be hepatitis A. The bacterial inactivated vaccine that is common would be the TDAP, which is the Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccine. Unlike live vaccines you can give the inactivated vaccines to weakened immune system patients. Also another pus compared to the live one this one does not have to be refrigerated so this one can be sent over seas if needed to be

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