Advantages And Disadvantages Of Act Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism is defined as a theory asserting that the morally right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good over evil. There are two major types of utilitarianism: act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism asserts that the morally right action is the one that directly produces the most favorable balance of good or evil. A rule-utilitarianism asserts that the morally right action is the one covered by a rule that if generally followed would produce the most favorable balance of good over evil. The difference between act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism is that act-utilitarianism is the belief that it is fine to break a rule as long as it brings a greater good, while rule-utilitarianism …show more content…

Another advantage of rule-utilitarian forbids any practices that would be unjust and violates human rights, like act-utilitarian (Chapter Outline plus Helpful Hints). Disadvantages of rule-utilitarian include dilemma objection and inconsistency objection. The dilemma objection, a rule-utilitarian conflict his or her decisions because no matter what actions he or she chooses, he or she will still violate some rule. The inconsistency objection, a rule-utilitarian prescribes different actions as right in certain circumstances, meaning the right act achieves the greatest overall utility in a situation (Chapter Outline plus Helpful Hints). Rule-utilitarianism stresses human life while act-utilitarianism stresses the context of individual features and dealing with individual problems but presenting a single …show more content…

We have our own moral codes but our decisions are solely based on the impact of our perspective on the people’s welfare and happiness. Although it is in our perspective as utilitarian to decide what actions to make, the theory of utilitarianism has strengths and weaknesses. Strengths of utilitarianism include it maximizes pleasure and happiness, it benefits more people, it relates to moral democracy, and it relates to the betterment of our society. Utilitarianism follows actions that lead to the happiest and least harm. Sacrificing an innocent life to save more lives, formulating white lies to make someone feel better, and giving more money to health services to provide medical care for those in need. A disadvantage of utilitarianism is that it fails to acknowledge the rights of each person, thus advocating injustice acts. People can suffer from immediate consequences of an action fulfilled by being “utilitarian”. Utilitarianism ignores the importance of moral obligation. It is still our duty to decide upon a wrong or right act and not take in consideration the amount of good or evil it produces. Lastly, moral dilemmas only happen because either quality or quantity of “good” or “pleasure” is in doubt. A person deciding whether to do a moral act has to take in consideration the maximization of happiness and pleasure to the

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