Adoption Vs Open Adoption

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Nearly everyone in the United States knows something about adoption. Some people believe that if you give your child up for adoption that you are a terrible human being. I believe that in certain circumstances it is in the child’s best interest to be placed with a new family. Many people face difficult times in their life and sometimes it is not the best circumstance for them to have a child or many children. And in other circumstances two people are very well fit to be parents but are unable to conceive a child. In my opinion, adoption is a great thing; it allows children the opportunity to have a better life and for adults with health issues to be blessed with a child, or children.
There are a multitude of stories in the world involving
Or take into consideration the story of the mother who gave up her son but still gets to be a large part of his life thanks to an open adoption.
As someone who has an adoration for kids, it is very intriguing to me to hear stories of children being adopted and put into better situations. Adoption isn’t an easy process, it takes a long time and much paperwork, that is why there are so many kids in foster homes and orphanages, which is depressing. Can you imagine being familyless? My best friend has benefitted from adoption along with many others, I only mentioned a few stories. I stand for Adoption because i’ve faced it on a personal level. Take adoption to a personal level for yourself. Think of how you would feel if you were in a bad situation in life and could not care for a child, but you found out you were expecting. Would you abort the fetus or put the infant up for adoption? You could help a couple love a child that they could not conceive themselves by going through with an adoption. If you and your spouse could not conceive a child but wanted to, would you like for someone to offer you their child that they could not care for? In this circumstance you could help that child grow up in a good home with a good life. Why would anyone be against helping others, especially children? I stand for Adoption for the many obvious reasons. I also understand that some people disagree with adoption and that is fine because everyone is allowed their own

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