Adolf Hitler Research Paper

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Adolf Hitler started his obscure journey in September of 1919 when he joined a political party called Deutsche Arkeiterparte. All statistics come from Hitler worked his way up until January 30, 1933, when he was appointed the Chancellor of Germany. A chancellor is someone who is of a title of various official positions in the government of many nations. Hitler then applied the Enabling Act which assured that he could constitutionally gain dictatorship powers without it being illegal. Hitler was a very strong speaker and could convince people to follow his beliefs. He brain washed the Germans into thinking they were the dominant race and that jews above all needed to be exterminated. Above all Hitler promised the Germans a better life and that was a promise that never happened.

Hitler caused this horrible genecide or what is known as The Holocaust. "Holocaust" means sacrafice by fire, and Hitler would burn the Jews corps to get rid of the evidence. Throughout the whole war him and all his following Nazis killed around eleven million "undesirables". An "undesirable" is someone that was left out becasue genetics, race, health, or culture. Their was around 9 million jews before the war, although for every three jews two were killed. To prevent political opponents from having a chance against Hitler the German police would specifically go for the higher political opponents

Soon after America invaded Europe the Final Solution came into act. This was the most brutal and disturbing part of the whole entire war. Hitler sent his Nazis to kill as many undesirables as possible. Hitler didn't want the other countries to realize what he was doing so he decided to get rid of the evidence. Many of the labor camps turned into extermin...

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...m the start of everything. Soon after she was transferred to Auschewitz were Annes mother died. Anne was seperated from her father right away and never saw him again. Finally Anne was sent of to the extermination camp Bergen-Belson and died, although two weeks later the camp was liberated.

Students around the world need to learn about the holocaust. It is one of the most devistating and interesting parts of our history. Even though it is horrible what happened to all the jew involved in it, it's a part of our history like anything else and we need to be taught about it. The last thing we would ever want is to repeat history, and it easily could. Although, most of all we need to learn not to put people in racial groups and just stereotype them. Desegregation is what the United States needs and with perfect example from our history the world could stay desegregated.

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