Adolescents: Fitting in to High School’s Puzzle

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People these days, especially teens, hold themselves to the standards society advertises. Everywhere you look, there are stereotypes and images of what a person should be, according to society. There are many cliques that offer these easy fit in standards, but school is not the only place that the pressure to fit in is affected. You can be uncovered through your efforts to blend in, thus causing you many problems as you try to make it through high school without a couple bruises.
This generation’s high school lifestyle incorporates a lot of different cliques and niches. With these cliques comes many labels. The words “jock,” “nerd,” or “prep” may come to mind. Everyone has the expectation that they will find somewhere that they will find somewhere to fit in high school. What happens to the ones that do not? They seem to be in a void category, as if they are not even there or forgotten. They receive the label of an outcast. Shane Koyczan observes the way one may be labeled through his own experiences: “We were expected to define ourselves at such an early age, and if we didn’t do it, others did it for us. Geek. Fatty... I was being told to accept the identity that others will give me,” (Koyczan). We are not in complete control of who we are perceived to be. Surrounding peers decide who they think you are based on your appearance or grades but forget to look at what lies on the inside. It is all a process of categorization where you must attempt to camouflage yourself or risk being excluded.
Pressures outside of school itself are also very apparent in adolescent’s lives. These other influences on their behavior can affect how well they fit in or how much effort they put in to doing so. It is not always easy for teens to balance e...

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... take a stand for their peers, they would feel more accepted. It is important that you stand up to a bully without becoming a bully yourself. The fear of being unaccepted by association seems to stop others from reaching out to their bully victims or “outcasts.” Common courtesy has been consistently repeated to our generation yet, no one wants to exhibit it if it puts their own reputation at risk.
The adolescent stage can be a questionable time in one’s life. You are stuck between adulthood and childhood and still expected to decide who you are somewhere along the way. The other factors in life can make this self discovery very difficult; you are surrounded by other peers that are also trying to camouflage themselves in high school so they can avoid being singled out. Adolescence is a mere struggle to fit in to the puzzle held together by society and it’s standards.

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