Adele: The Most Perfect Woman In Adele Ratignolle

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Originally Edna admires Adele for being the ideal woman; however, as Edna realizes who she actually wants to be, she rejects Adele’s lifestyle.

The other women at Grand Isle fill their “role” as a woman very well; however, Edna idolizes Adele as the most perfect version of all the women. In her first description of Adele, she distinguishes Adele’s perfection at being a mother and a woman:
Many of them were delicious in the rôle; one of them was the embodiment of every womanly grace and charm. If her husband did not adore her, he was a brute, deserving of death by slow torture. Her name was Adéle Ratignolle. (11)
The word “role” illustrates that the women are acting a specific part as if their lives were a play, and they were trying to fill …show more content…

The most perfect woman in Edna’s eyes is Adele Ratignolle. Edna calls her “the embodiment of every womanly grace and charm” because she flawlessly fits the description of a mother-wife. Edna decides her goal is to become as most like Adele as possible while in Grand Isle. A perfect woman, such as Adele, is defined with “womanly grace and charm”. These two qualities describe an inspirational mother-wife, such as Adele; however, not every woman has mastered these qualities. Edna is one of the women who venerate Adele for her natural abilities to be a flawless mother-wife. Chopin chose “grace and charm” as the ideals of women to illustrate that a woman must be very elegant but also have charisma and warmth. A woman must be the perfect balance of a wife and a mother. As the perfect woman, it is preposterous to Edna that Adele would not be “adore[d]” by everyone, especially her husband. Edna directly connects the adoration of her husband with her ability to fill the role of a perfect woman. Since Adele fits this role perfectly, Edna assumes if her husband does not love her, then there must be something wrong with him. Her husband would be “a brute, deserving of death by slow torture” …show more content…

As Edna begins to realize her distaste towards being a wife, she visits Adele's house to ensure that even when it is perfect, she does not enjoy being a

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