Adela Strangeworth The Possibility Of Evil

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When an older lady is mentioned thoughts of a sweet, caring and fragile are what come to mind. After reading a short story such as “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson, a gentle woman is not described. Assumptions of elderly women can change when a secretive, self-centered, controlling women named Adela Strangeworth is presented into many lives.

Adela Strangeworth is believed to be a fragile, kind woman but when viewing her daily routine of writing nasty, hateful letters to her ‘friends’ her image changes for those who know. Yet all of the people in the story don’t know that Adela Strangeworth is the one writing the letters because she is very secretive. Anyone to assume that this sweet lady could do something so insulting, would be thought as crazy, as Adela is the kindest lady in town, one who is easily able to start conversation with a clerk at a grocery, or with a stranger walking down the street. Adela also is able to write letters insulting people, as she mails the letters at a time when no one could …show more content…

Strangeworth’s personality does not consist just of being secretive, but as being controlling. If she is to view someone performing a task poorly, or acting a certain way that she is not fond of she would write one of these terrible letters regarding their actions, and showing that she does not approve, meaning they should change what they were previously doing. Not only does she write the letters to tell someone on what they are doing atrociously, but she feels pride in herself after writing them, as she has shown what she wants to be changed. Adela writes the letters because she feels as if her controlling their actions helps them, “ Miss Strangeworth never concerned herself with facts; her letters all dealt with the more negotiable stuff of suspicion” ( Jackson, 1941, p.167). Writing the letters and controlling how people should notice/ act seem to bring a joy into Adela’s life as she feels it helps them keep their life in

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