Addressing Crime in America in John J. DiIulio's Article, Let 'em Rot

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Addressing Crime in America in John J. DiIulio's Article, Let 'em Rot

John J. DiIulio, Jr. writes his article, "Let 'em Rot," in response to the State of the Union Address by President Clinton in January of 1994. In this article he focuses on the continually increasing crime problem in America. DiIulio feels that a change is needed in the way this country handles the punishment and rehabilitation of criminals. He makes a claim of policy that criminals should serve their entire prison sentences. DiIulio asserts, "a prison sentence of X years should mean a prison sentence of X years (truth in sentencing)" (563). He directs his article towards people who are concerned with the crime problem in America, specifically victims of crime and the families of criminals. He also primarily targets people who read the Wall Street Journal and support truth-in-sentencing.

Throughout the article, DiIulio's support is primarily based on motivational appeal. He quickly draws interest into the article through the shocking choice of words for his title. He then goes on to provoke readers with the...

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