Adaptations Of Julius Caesar

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Over the years I have seen many different interpretations and adaptions of Shakespeare’s works, but I believe this one may be my favorite. I have seen many adaptions of Shakespeare’s works that have made little sense or have not worked with the story well. However, I feel that this particular adaption worked well with subject and the themes within the play. I also really like that all of the characters had been gender-swapped and it was interesting and empowering to see these historically strong characters played by strong women. I had no doubts about the gender-swap, but originally I wasn’t too sure about the setting being at an all girls private school as I felt it trivialized the women and gave the impression that the only way these characters could be portrayed by women was if they didn’t hold power over a country like the original male characters. But after seeing the play, my doubts about the setting have been mostly relinquished. While I still wish the women were portrayed as powerful world leaders, I do like how the setting and story came together to form a great adaptation. …show more content…

I especially liked the portrayal of Cassius and the actress who played them did a great job portraying how ambitious Cassius really is. As I was watching Cassius and Caesar interact I could tell how different they were from each other from the actions down to their costumes. Caesar’s costume was just the right amount of pretty and professional while Cassius’ costume was very prim and proper, further conveying her ambition. Cassius also seemed to constantly have a darkness within her eyes and face, especially when she was referring to Caesar, and her head seemed to pick up and her eyes shine more when she thought of her ambitions. All of the cast did a fantastic job portraying their character’s, but I believe Cassius was perhaps the best

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