Adaptation In Jack London's The Call Of The Wild

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A major theme in Jack London’s classic The Call of the Wild is adaptability is essential for survival because Buck goes from an easy life to a harsh environment. Adapting is a brief development that takes days to weeks compared to evolving which takes years and generations. By adapting, an animal or person could transfer from one environment to another. While all organisms can adapt, some individuals adapt better than others. In the book, Buck learns how to act, he reawakens dormant instincts and embraces the inner feral dog to survive the north. At the beginning of the book, Buck learns how to act in the north. First, he learns the “Law of Club”. For example, the man in the red sweater bashes Buck into submission with a club. Since, seeing …show more content…

First, Buck goes to the woods despite his love John Thornton. For example, Buck sneaks off into the woods to hunt and eat, but then returns to John Thornton’s camp by night. Since Buck is going to the wilderness to hunt, he is beginning to accept his feral dog side. Second, Buck interacts with wildlife. For instance, he encountered a wolf and ran through the forest with him and Buck looks for him the next day. Since Buck looks for the wolf and has ran with him, Buck starts to interact with wildlife. Last, Buck joins a wolf pack. For example, Buck defends himself from the attacking wolf members and is accepted into the group. Since Buck joins a pack and eventually leads it, he embraces his inner wild dog side and instincts. In conclusion, sneaking off into the forest, interacting with wildlife and joining a pack are ways that Buck embraces his dormant wild dog. In conclusion, learning how to act, reawakening dormant instincts and embracing the inner wild side are ways that Buck adapts to survive in the north. Adaption is vital for living as each live object can develop ways to hold out in any given environment. Survival is dependent on how one thinks and acts in the surrounding

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