Active And Passive Euthanasia Analysis

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Over the past, many people have debated over the moral differences between killing someone and letting them die. In actuality, there is no moral difference between the two forms of euthanasia. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines euthanasia as the act or practice of killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent anymore suffering. I assume the standpoint that there are no moral differences between active and passive euthanasia after carefully analyzing the article by James Rachels, “Active & Passive Euthanasia”. In his article, Rachels describes how society views active and passive euthanasia and the moral implications that they bear. Passive euthanasia is when the patient and immediate family request the doctor to withhold …show more content…

In his article Rachels states, "The important difference between active and passive euthanasia is that, in passive euthanasia, the doctor does not do anything to bring about the patient's death and the patient dies of whatever ills already afflict him. In active euthanasia, however, the doctor does something to bring about the patient's death: he kills him (Rachels, 1975). In this quote Rachels explains the major differences between passive and active euthanasia. However, I believe that in passive euthanasia the doctor is still taking an action by choosing to discontinue a patient’s treatment. Furthermore, I find paradoxical that the American Medical Association regards active euthanasia as illegal and unethical but finds permissible passive euthanasia. To show why active euthanasia is no different than passive euthanasia morally speaking, Rachels presents two cases. These two cases in fact prove that there is no moral difference between killing and letting someone die. In the first case he presents Smith, which can gain a large inheritance if anything were to happen to his six-year-old cousin. Smith chooses to drown the child and then makes it looks like an accident so he can access the inheritance. In the second case Rachels presents Jones, who also stands to gain an inheritance if anything were to happen to his six-year-old cousin. Jones plans to drown his little cousin in the shower; however, just as he enters the bathroom the child falls and hits himself in the head. He stands there and watches him die without doing absolutely anything. In fact, he stands there waiting to murder the child if he happens to survive the fall. The difference is that Smith actively murdered the child while Jones stood there and let him die. I believe that there is no moral

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