Acquaintance Rape On College Campuses

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Acquaintance rape which is also called “date rape” or “hidden rape” is a major problem in American society. It is the most common violent crime that is happening on college campuses today. According to Acquaintance Rape of College Students Thirty-four percent completed rapes and 45 percent of attempted rapes take place on campus (Acquaintance Rape of College Students). It is hard to call it a crime because did the victim try to do something to stop the person from any sexual activities that they didn’t want to do. Most of the time everyone believes the victim’s story over the perpetrator anyways, but half the time the victim doesn’t know if they we’re really raped or not. The important points on acquaintance rape are why it’s so common to happen on college campuses than anywhere else, what are the main things that cause men to want to rape even after the victim is saying no, and trying to cope and recover after been raped by someone you thought you could trust. …show more content…

Rape is sorted into two phrases: Date Rape and Acquaintance rape. Date rape is when you’ve been on a date or seen the perpetrator more than once (had a little romantic) than got raped. Acquaintance rape is when you’re just met the perpetrator (you don’t have any romantic) and you got raped. In a study published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims we’re raped by someone they knew and 18% we’re raped by a stranger (National Crime Victimization Survey). It’s a form of sexual assault, and like other forms of sexual assault: acquaintance rape is when someone has full control over you and your body to humiliate and harm you once you tell them

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