Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus Cognitive Therapy for the Treatment of Comorbid Eating Pathology

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus Cognitive Therapy for the Treatment of Comorbid Eating Pathology Critiquing a Scientific Article Introduction This article aims to prove that Acceptance and Commitment is the best method for treating eating disorders. Although Cognitive Behavior Therapy has shown some promising results. It supports this claim by stating that Cognitive Therapy is an effective treatment for bulimia and was given a grade A by the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness Guidelines. The authors are aiming to determine which is an effective method, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) or Cognitive Behavior Treatment (CBT). Although, it is a new theory it has proven very effective. Scientific studies of CBT have confirmed its effectiveness for a wide variety of mental illnesses including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, sleep disorders and psychotic disorders. Studies have shown that CBT actually changes brain activity in people with mental illnesses who receive this treatment, suggestin...

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