Absolutism In 18th Century

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What was absolutism? Absolutism was a political theory that one ruler should hold all of the power within their territories, with no checks or balances from any other part of the nation or government. An absolute monarch could make law, dispense justice, create and direct a bureaucracy, declare war, and levy taxation, without the approval of any other governing body. Several monarchs in Europe practiced absolutism during the 16th through 18th centuries. It has been used in many regions throughout history. In ancient times, Shi Huangdi in China, Darius in Persia, and the Roman Caesars were all absolute rulers. The absolute rulers implemented and enforced control over their subjects by levying taxation, controlling nobility, the clergy, and the provincial courts and controlling a country’s economy. These three things were the main ways that absolute rulers abused their power.

In the time of absolutism, the absolute rulers had levied taxation. The purpose was to strengthen their power such as armies and bureaucrats. Money was needed to employee them. But the point nobles did not have to pay taxes. The tax burden fell on the lower classes. That prevented them from accumulating enough wealth to start their own businesses. As a result, most of the countries that and absolutism never developed a middle class.

Absolutism was the beginning of the end for Europe's nobility when it came to political power and influence. They controlled nobilities, the clergies and the provincial courts, as they could be the most dangerous to their rule. This period is often described as a bridge between Europe’s feudal society in which nobles held ultimate power and status to the capitalist society, which eliminated the nobility's influence over …show more content…

Absolutism - Research Papers - Sandyo. StudyMode.

Anon, Absolutism and Empire, 1660–1789. Absolutism And Empire, 1660–1789.

Wilde, R., What Was Absolutism? European Government History. About

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