Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Essay

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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is about a boy names Junior who does not want to be like everyone else in his reservation, but actually wants to get a well-studied education. Junior wants to make sure he gets a well-studied education, so that is why he gets so frustrated. He never means to ever hurt someone, but when he does he feels really bad. In this essay you will learn about who Junior is, why did he throw his book, and how was I helped to achieve my dreams. Who is Junior? Junior was a young boy who ever since he was born has had to work very hard and stay strong. When he was born, he had water on the brain, or in other words too much cerebral spinal fluid in his skull. He was supposed to pass away during the surgery, but he lived, he was supposed to suffer from serious brain …show more content…

Ding, ding, ding, if you guessed throw a book at your teacher, you are correct. That is exactly what Junior did when he was in Mr. P’s classroom. Mr. P had just handed out their geometry books, Junior seen “THIS BOOK BELONGS TO AGNES ADAMS,” who happens to be his mom. He had become to angry because his mom was thirty-eight when she gave birth to Junior, so that means that he was staring at a book that was thirty-eight years older than him. Mr. P responded by, coming to Juniors house a week into his suspension, and having a talk with him. Mr. P told Junior that he forgave him; even though, he did not want to. Mr. P and junior talked for a long time; however, Mr. P finally told Junior that he needs to go to a different school, to show his hope and strength. Junior, that day went inside his house and ask his parents “who has the most hope,” they responded by saying the white people. Junior then told them he wants to move to Reardan to get a better education, and fulfill his dreams. His parents agreed quickly with him, and the next day his dad drove him twenty-two miles to his new

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