Abraham Lincoln: The Exceptional President

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President Abraham Lincoln Our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. One of the greatest and most loved presidents in history. Even after his assassination, people still viewed him as an exceptional president. From humble beginnings to becoming the most powerful man in America, Lincoln is known today as a great and influential person whose message echoes in American politics as well as American ethics. For instance, after reading the three texts about Lincoln, it concludes that each of the authors believe that Lincoln was the perfect person for the job of President of the United States. Defining Lincoln as the astonishing president he was, one can see that the definition of him is motivated, how loved he was, and love for history and literature. Finally the texts examples, The Rise of a President, Lincoln’s Famous Address, and Grace Bedell and the President’s Beard, all define Lincoln as the exceptional president he was. …show more content…

Ever since his childhood he was motivated and dedicated to accomplish his goals. “...Abraham’s education was limited to what his mother and stepmother taught him and brief stints in school. Mostly, he taught himself by reading and rereading whatever books he could find. He knew that he was gifted and took responsibility for feeding his intellectual curiosity” (Billings). Consequently, the factors of his motivational personality helped him in his later life as well. Lincoln ran for the Senate to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In one speech, Lincoln proclaimed that he hated the act because of the grotesque injustice of slavery itself. Lincoln lost this race but ran again in 1858 against his long-time rival, Democrat Stephen Douglas. In other words, Lincoln did not stop after one, two, not even three time sof losing in his political runs. He was dedicated to keep trying to accomplish what he

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