Abraham Foxman Anti Semitism Summary

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Anti-Semitism: Jews Face a Widening Web of Hate Abraham H. Foxman discusses what he believes is ever growing anti-Semitism in the United States, as well as the world. Foxman proposes that public view has become less concerned with anti-Semitism, and “such complacency is dangerous.” Foxman suggests there are new forms of anti-Semitism compared to 1930’s when the Nazi party targeted millions of Jews. Jews have been continually targets of violence since the Holocaust. Synagogues have been attacked, and communities have faced intimidation and vandalism through anti-Semitic graffiti. Foxman questions why these acts of violence and intimidation continue. Foxman recognizes the stereotypes and prejudice that Jews have historically faced, but Jews …show more content…

Foxman says, “the one-sided condemnation of Israeli policies creates a climate in which anti-Semitism flourishes.” Foxman says the European Union’s criticism of Israeli’s policies has “tainted the entire state of Israel; increasing anti-Semitism. Foxman wants encourage people to stand up against anti-Semitism because with rise of weapons of mass destruction and hostile governments, he believes it is now a great threat since the Holocaust. The Holocaust occurred because many ignored the rise of discrimination against Jews and many died because of such ignorance. Foxman does not want anything similar to occur again. In reference to the criticism of Israeli policies, Foxman does point out one can be critical and not be anti-Semitic, but some of those criticisms are charged by …show more content…

Since the election of President Donald Trump, many acknowledge the rise of discrimination against diverse groups of people. Groups like the Alt-right, neo- Nazi’s, and White Nationalist have shown their racism and anti-Semitism. There are now people proud to wear Nazi Swastika’s, which are obvious symbols of anti-Semitism. Recently, an 85-year-old woman Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust was the target of a hate crime in Paris. In general, Nazi’s of today hate against anyone who is not of Anglo ancestry, so Arabs and Muslims are also targets of their hate and violence. Although there are Arabs and Muslims who are biased against Jews because of the conflict between Palestine and Israel, the rise of anti-Semitism cannot solely be explained by this conflict, if at all. Donald Trump, even with a high number of anti-Semitic followers, recently declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel; creating more conflict and complication between Palestine and Israel. Therefore, it seems hard to definitively say what the sole cause anti-Semitism is today. Many issues, decisions, and sentiments cause this idea to be multifaceted and possibly complicated. Even with all these complications, it is

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