Abortion is Legalized Murder

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Abortion is Legalized Murder Approximately 1.6 million murders are committed legally each year. While the mutilated bodies of the victims lay waiting in infested dumpsters to be hauled off to a landfill, the murderers are in their offices waiting for their next patient. This is the murder of an innocent child by a procedure known as abortion. Abortion stops the beating of an innocent child’s heart. People must no longer ignore the scientific evidence that life begins at the moment of conception. People can no longer ignore the medical and emotional problems an abortion causes women. People must stop denying the facts about the procedure, and start hearing the silent screams of unborn children. The argument by the pro-abortion side is that the unborn child is not truly a child. Pro-abortionists believe that life begins at birth and that a fetus is only a blob of tissue until it is born. Abortion is the dismembering and killing of a human life-an unborn baby- not just a “blob of tissue”. “ But it is scientific and medical fact based on experimental evidence, that a fetus is a living, growing, thriving human being, directing his or her own development” (Fetal Development). A fetus is not just a blob of tissue; rather a fetus is Latin for “offspring or young one.” At a US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting, most scientists said that life begins at conception or implantation of the embryo. No scientist at the meeting claimed that life begins at birth (Factbot). Professor Hymie Gordon of the Mayo clinic stated “…by all criteria of modern biology, life is present from the moment of conception” (fetal development). Not only has science proven that a fetus is truly a human, the simple facts also confer abortion kills t... ... middle of paper ... ...the argument that women will do them illegally in the back alleys endangering their lives, 72 percent said they would definitely not have sought an abortion if they were illegal, and death happens during a legal abortion too. Abortion is clearly taking a human life, an action that is wrong under the United States constitution. Women must stop being denied the facts and start being told the truth. The people of the US must start standing up for the rights of all people, born and unborn. People need to start caring for the women who are hurting as a result of an abortion, and women who are struggling over the decision. People must tell them the facts, and work at making the conditions better for women, because 84 percent would keep their babies under better circumstances. America needs to open her ears to the screams of the 1.6 million babies murdered each year.

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