Abolish Death Penalty Essay

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What is the definition of death sentence? In simple form, death sentence means a legal process whereby a person who found guilty was taken his life by the state as a punishment for a heavy crime. In the past, capital punishment has been practiced by most societies to punish people who had done serious crime. However, as we enter the 21st century, abolishing death penalty has been the most contestable issue in today’s society. This argumentative issue has been discussed not only in the parliament of the countries, but also in the cafés or restaurants among the citizens. Many of the countries had stopped using the death penalty due to some reasons nowadays. Although there are some people still prefer to execute death penalty for the purpose of declining the crime rates, the supports for implementing capital penalty are slowly and gradually decreasing. According to the research, there are 315 death sentences were executed in 1995 in United States. However, there are just 128 in 2005 and 102 in 2006 ("Abolish the Death Penalty", 2007). Therefore, it is proven that entirely abolishment of death penalty can expected by the society in the future. Capital punishment is the most neglected form of government hypocrisy. This can be seen when government murders people who murder people to show society that murder is wrong and inexcusable. It is really a contradiction in policy in trying their best to reduce or even expect to totally eliminate the crime in their own countries. Thus, our opinion is the capital punishment should be banned by government due to some significant reasons which are the right to life, fairness and cost effectiveness.
First and foremost, abolishing the death sentence defends the rights to life. Everyone has the rights ...

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...ent defendants can be killed and a large amount of money can be spent annually are all the consequences of executing death sentence. The world will become worse and worse as everyone follows the steps of government for being violent. Therefore, in order to avoid these inconceivable consequences, we should support fully for abolishing death sentence. Life in prison without parole is a more effective punishment for offenders. The offenders can not only given a chance to appreciate the government for no implement death sentence to them, but also can be educated to become a better person who can contribute to society and expiate of their errors. Thus, there is no reason to continue the capital punishment in the nation while the phrase “If you murder, you must pay for a life” is no longer suitable as prevent violence by violence cannot be accepted anymore by the society.

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