Abigail Williams To Blame For The Crucible

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The Salem witch trials was a very big thing back in the 1600’s. At that time Puritans believed in witchcraft and that the devil could conjure your spirit. They were scared of these things happening in their village so they would do anything to prevent it from happening,. This included killing anyone suspected to be with the devil or to be a witch. It turned out to be a big problem when a group of girls were supposedly seeing spirits sent out at them and the devil would come to them telling them to sign his book. Abigail Williams was the leader of this group and is very much to blame for the innocent deaths of the people in the village. When her cousin ,Betty Parris, fell “sick”after being caught by her father dancing in the woods with a group of girls and he claimed they were summoning spirits they …show more content…

This created a huge problem in Salem because people that were being accused were liked and not suspected by other people of them being witches. John Proctor and Giles Corey were determined to take Abigail and the group of girls down and stop their nonsense of witchcraft.This backfired when both of them were both thrown in jail. The lie that Abigail and the girls created was so big and they were almost worshipped for getting rid of the witches. This was the first time in this time period that women were actually listened too and were in full control. So no wonder why they went along with it because they loved the attention.But the cost of their attention was many deaths of other innocent people. Abigail eventually realized that her lie was going to catch up with her. so she took all of her uncle's money and fled Salem. It wasn't until later on that the people of Salem knew they had made a huge mistake by believing the girls and that they put innocent people to death.They can only blame themselves for letting their fear overcome their common sense. From then on society has learned the lesson of not to believe everything you

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