Abigail Williams Corruption

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Among those with good morals, lies those who have evil morals. Abigail Williams, the most sinful character in the play, contributes to the corruption of women in Salem. These acts of evil stem from the girls who danced in the woods. Abigail strikes out against those who wish to confess by saying “we’ll be whipped” scaring others. (Miller 1.18). Abigail from the beginning is rooted with evil and she still gets to hold hierarchy among others.Abigail is evil in her actions and serves as the “ringleader” for the group of children but, is not respected by John Proctor who calls her “with great sympathy but firmly: [a] child” (Miller 1.22). The most corrupt and evil character in Salem, is also the most juvenile, which Miller portrays through Abigail.

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