Ab Trent Monologue

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“I've had very little to do with indigenous people.”
About Alice: Alice is a Food nutritionist and is a very spiritual person as she loves to be in touch with her spiritual side. Alice's opinion is very open as mentioned in the quote she has little to do with aboriginals, so she wants to embark and embrace everything the journey has to offer. She is very excited to try the traditional parts of aboriginal culture, as well as understanding more about aboriginals.
Here Attitude: She has a very keen and willing attitude, as she is open minded to do absolutely anything as she is incredibly curious to find out more about aboriginals.
How do they represent Australia? She represents Australia as very open minded and ready for any struggles and experiences. She reminds people we are multicultural.
Trent …show more content…

Trent has a very set opinion on aboriginals, he feels as though all aboriginals are not using their money wisely by spending their money on the wrong things. Trent has jumped to the conclusion that all aboriginals would rather buy plasma tvs over not looking after their children. As mentioned in the quotes he feels aboriginals keep making excuses for why they do some things and he also strongly believes that aboriginals should spend their money wisely and prioritise the right things.
His Attitude: Trents attitude is very irritated and inflexible, as apart of his work he sees the bad side to aboriginals. He sees the violent side, and when aboriginals waste their money or turn to crime, which is why Trent has a negative and annoyed outlook on aboriginals.
How do they represent Australia? He represents Australia as being stuck on a particular stereotype, that aboriginals get involved in crime and wasters of their money.

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