AUA Personal Statement Essay

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Personal Statement
One to two-page statement discussing interest in medicine, why AUA, and what makes student a good candidate for medical school.

In the words of Picasso, “the purpose of life is to discover your gift and the meaning is in giving it away“. Since an early age, I’ve wondered what my purpose in life would be. I’ve asked questions like: Why am I here, and how can I contribute? In time, I gained knowledge of science, organisms, life and death. Science appealed to me in an instinctual way and I discovered that medicine combines my love for science along with empathy and care. To me, learning medicine presents the opportunity to enhance the quality of life, not only for an individual but for a population. The prospect of playing …show more content…

My time is split between the Emergency room and the Intensive care unit. Under the direction of the Registered Nurse and the attending on the floors, I make frequent rounds of patients to assess their needs, assist with the loved ones and my personal favorite, accompanying doctors and nurses on morning rounds. I have the opportunity to compare notes from previous rounds and ask questions to better understand their condition. This opportunity has brought to my attention the more rewarding side of medicine and has proved, by far, the most useful work experience I have had in preparing for my journey. I knew for sure that this was what I wanted to do when I realized that even the dullest days wouldn't make me love it any less. Everything was as it should be. I was where I belonged and I've never looked back since. I realize that the journey of becoming a doctor will not be easy. I expect long hours, endless studying, emotional and physical exhaustion. However the passion and motivation with which I approach things will be all I need which are qualities a great doctor should attain, and I am confident in my abilities to complete my journey. With much research, discussions with my admission representatives and attendance at numerous webinars, I determined that AUA is the right institution for me. In the process of choosing the right school, the most important factor for me is an institution where I

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