AT&T Mision Vision and Values

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Strategic Overview This document identifies AT&T as one of the leader communications holding corporation in the United States and global. Operating worldwide with 307,550 employees, AT&T established its global headquarters in Dallas Texas, AT&T is known as the worldwide leading provider of IP-based communications services to businesses and the principal U.S. provider of wireless, high speed Internet access, local and long distance voice, directory publishing and advertising services for more than a century . AT&T continues to build on the heritage of its predecessor Bell by serving customers with a continuing assurance to the operation of pioneering products and services, consistent, high-quality service and excellent customer care. AT&T Background The origin of the new AT&T was the culmination of the progress in communications in the United States. AT& T's roots extend back to 1876, with Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone and the founding of the company that became AT&T. As the parent company of the Bell System, AT&T provided what was by all accounts the best telephone service in the world. (AT & T, 2008) Years later, the Telecommunication Act of 1996 triggered dramatic changes in the competitive landscape. SBC Communications Inc. established itself as a global communications provider by acquiring Pacific Telesis Group and becoming the new AT&T. The merger of AT& T and BellSouth, along with the ownership consolidation of Cingular Wireless and YELLOWPAGES.COM, will speed convergence, competition and continued innovation in the communications and entertainment industry, creating new solutions for consumers and businesses and positioned to lead the industry in one of its most signifi... ... middle of paper ... ... organization to do so. Leaders galvanize commitment to embrace change through three interrelated activities: more usefulying strategic intent, building an organization, and shaping organizational culture.”(Pearce, 2004) Summary AT&T is a global company constructed with a clear definition of their mission, vision and values; their philosophy is to exceed customer and stakeholders expectations. Led by Ralph De La Vega who was appointed as CEO in October 2007, AT&T operates with integrity, upholds all laws and recognizes it has a social responsibility. AT &T continues to lead the market after more than 130 years. References Pearce, J. & Robinson, R. (2002). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, Control. 8th ed. [UOP Special Edition Series]. Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin. AT&T retrieved on November 18, 2008.

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