AT & T Case Study: Vertical Integration?

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AT&T, founded in 1983 has been one of the pioneering telecommunication multinational corporations with a diverse customer base. The company ventured into vertical integration in order to obtain the benefits of expansion and escalated its product offerings by manufacturing phones, launching satellites, devising switchable equipments and providing an range of customers numerous services. However, the integration led to an plethora of problems leading towards an ultimate failure. Vertical integration is essentially described as a process which enables the company to get a competitive advantage by means of differentiation. However, the process irrespective of its inumberable benefits is flawed because it sometimes creates unfair competition. In order to defend the interest of the competition, the government has set in place antitrust laws. According to antitrust laws put in place by the government,the unfair competition and the act of setting premium prices without considering the buying power of the suppliers is condemned. Antitrust laws discourages monopolistic competition which elimi...

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