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This year, Researchers introduced Americans to the first gene-modified rhesus monkey named ANDi. Andi, which stands for “inserted DNA” spelled backwards, was born at Oregon Regional Primate Research Center at Oregon Health Sciences University. For the first time, scientists have modified the DNA of a primate species, whose genetic coding varies from people by only slightly more than 1 percent (Onion 1). ANDi was endowed with a gene for fluorescence. The fluorescence gene was extracted from a jellyfish and inserted into the embryonic material that eventually gave rise to ANDi (Jelliffe 1). Numerous Americans are not familiar with the topic of Andi because many sources of the media such as the news, the paper, and even magazines have only briefly touched base on such an issue that should be well known to Americans and could really have an impact on the world of science and medicine.

First, it is imperative to inform people about the rhesus monkey and it’s origin. The rhesus monkey is actually the genus Maraca, related to managbeys, mandrills, and baboons. All but one of the 19 species are found in Asia from Afghanistan, to Japan, the Philippines and Borneo. They are highly intelligent and display a variety of calls and facial expressions. The rhesus monkey has been widely used in medical and other scientific experiences; the Rh blood factor, found in humans as well as monkeys is named for it (Colombia Encyclopedia).

ANDi was born on October 2, 2000. Before the miracle of ANDi, the Oregon researchers used a genetically modified, noninfectious virus to carry the gene into over 200 monkey eggs. A father monkey’s sperm was injected, a number of hours later, into the eggs, fertilizing the eggs that produced 40 e...

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...e of technology is finding more ways of increasing the odds. Odds that maybe 30, 20, or even ten years ago were very minimal rate. ANDi is a magnificent discovery that will not only help those who are desperately in need for a cure of a deadly illness, but also for those individuals in the entire world to help broaden their eyes as well as their knowledge on such a incredible and promising discovery. If the ANDi program was never rooted what hope would these individuals have left? A year ago scientist at the same Oregon research center reported they had cloned the first monkey by embryo splitting named Tetra which reportedly is doing fine (ABC 3). There is talk about one day mating the two. The creation of ANDi will more than likely be patented in the future, and more than likely we can expect more discoveries form the Oregon Primate Center in the near future.

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