AIDS In Africa

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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has been traveling its way through Africa for many years causing the various amounts of deaths, while conditions only worsening the affect on people. While Africa being a developing country, with their lack of knowledge about the disease and the other health issues that causes it to spread faster than they can control. AIDS has taken many lives throughout Africa shortening the average lifespan and leaving the orphanages over flowing with kids that have lost their parents to this drastic disease. The disease has taken over Africa as a whole and turned it into a graveyard that just keeps growing. But as time has progressed there has been more education brought to Africa. AIDS throughout Africa has taken a tremendous …show more content…

With that it became one of the three deadliest diseases in Africa and it took a large chunk of the population of Africa. In the Sub Saharan Africa is where the disease is most commonly found (Gelletly). LeeAnne Gelletly stated that "For every one thousand infants born alive, seventy nine do not live to see their first birthday." Many concerns grow for the future generations because with many adults having AIDS and passing it down to their children shrink future generations to come. As more infected adult have kids it causes them to get the disease and die at an even younger age causing the population to decrease. There are concerns that soon the population will get extremely low. When people went to visit the clinic when they were not feeling well or needed to get a vaccination the doctors were not aware how important sanitation was. Many of the doctors did not clean the needles well which had also helped spread the disease (classroom notes). Since there were very few clinics there would be very long lines this would cause you to wait in line the entire day.This caused many people not to get vaccinations or go to a doctor because they had to keep providing for their families. This made very rare for people to go to the clinic (classroom notes). Waiting in those …show more content…

Such as AIDS, it mostly target kids because they are small and they have weaker immune system mostly due to the lack of poverty and sanitation. The government has put together $2.6 million to look into the disease when cases of infants dying from a known us. They went to see how it was being spread and where it was coming from (Cooper). There have been many different organizations built to help the people in desperate medical care. There are charities such as the red cross that has had camps set in Africa to help and volunteer. From the article At Issue: AIDS in Africa said that a major Pro?Con question that comes into play is “ Should testing and prevention be emphasized over treatment in combating the AIDS pandemic in Africa?” When hearing this question our attention goes to the children and adults at serious risk. How much would it benefit them or should we go on to further research about the disease and what there is to do to decrease the growth of the disease. Which also grows to the concern with the death toll getting larger and having the current generation shrink. This makes the next generation at risk. The tragic death toll minimizes the future generations and the availability of workers to keep the system running (Gelletly). There are growing concerns that this will make their economy fall and be in a worse position than they already are. The disease has a tragic toll on future generations by diminishing the

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