A taste of honey

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We frequently hear about family values and how they have diminished in modern day society. The majority of society no longer go to church, no longer converse with their neighbours, children no longer play in the streets with a ball. One, that is most notable is a two parent family; where the husband would provide and the wife would manage the home. This had changed considerably in the last 60 years, due to the feminist movement for career options for women, equal opportunities and the two role lifestyle of housewife and employee. The realism of the kitchen sink drama is referenced to the plays of the 1950/60's. These plays challenged the domestic private lives of the not so common family. In 'A Taste of Honey' (1957), Shelagh Delaney differentiates the views of society, in relation to unmarried mothers, homosexual males, inter-raced relationships and sexual conflicts between men and women. The play was first premièred by Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop on 27th May 1958 (Pickering 1988). Theatre Censorship in Britain shared much in common with Film. The Lord Chamberlain and British Board of Film Censors employed a system of censorship which depended on pre-viewing and pre-production reviews (Companion to the Theatre 1987). The censorship applied to the cinema set standards of quality differing form the stage, so they introduced the X Certificate in January 1951. In 1952 a collective of poets and novelists formed 'The Movement', who began to write kitchen sink dramas, John Osborne 'Look Back In Anger 1956 (King, 2005), was the leader of the collective. Members of the movement were Philip Larkin 'The Less Deceived' 1955 (Thompson, 1987), Kingsley Amis 'Lucky Jim' 1954 (King), J.D Enright 'The Laughing Hyena' 1953 (King) and Th... ... middle of paper ... .../theory/society.shtml http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/54 http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/citizenship/brave_new_world/immigration.htm http://redroom.com/member/orna-b-raz/writing/women%E2%80%99s-two-roles-the-attitude-to-work-in-1950s-britain-as-reflected-in-pe http://www.runnymedetrust.org/uploads/publications/pdfs/LoneMothers-2010.pdf http://www.sprowstonhigh.org/cms/resources/revision/English/A%20TASTE%20OF%20HONEY-%20Revision%20guide.pdf Aldgate, A., Robertson, C.J (2005) Censorship In Theatre and Cinema (1st Ed) Edinburgh University Press LTD. King, N. & King, A. (2005) The Complete A-Z English Literature Handbook (5th Ed) Hodder & Stoughton Education. Pickering. D. (1988) Dictionary of Theatre, (1st Ed) Sphere Books LTD The Penguin Group Thompson. P, Salgado. G (1987) Companion to The Theatre, (3rd Ed) J.M. Dent &Sons LTD.

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