A Worn Path Research Paper

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Sporadically we'll follow dreams that aren’t ours, we’re following them to assemble others pleasure. When you desire nothing besides developing your parents to become exultant you’ll set your schedule back. At the age of 9 kids were asked “What would you like to be when you grow up”, Kids always vocalized ridiculously high money making careers equivalent to a, lawyer, doctor and etc.

“I want to be an Olympic track and field participant when I grow up” became my response to what I would prefer to be. Although I’ve yet to run competitively, I wanted to be known for track. I occurred to be as swift as the speed of light, when my parents gained knowledge of that I played every sport. I didn’t run track until the 10th grade not realizing I'd …show more content…

I went to states the first year I ran and continued to proceed the years after. I transpired to be exceptionally fast and extraordinary in the events I participated in. 11th grade I began feeling nothing for track except annoyance. No longer did I crave to run track, I had no pleasure in it. I worked a job, and soon I would be busy with college planning, the thought of track in the mixture started to get extremely overwhelming. Practice ensued everyday and was painful, the meets were usually two days out the week. I asked my parents can I stop running and they lectured with reasons why I couldn't. I blamed my parents, blaming them on the fact I never wanted to run track. I’ve only been running to establish satisfaction, to offer them something to believe in. They expected me to run track therefor I did, for I figured I must.

Peer pressure advanced, my peers would constantly remind everyone how considerable of an athlete I pursued to, they spoke of everything they expected from my performances. I wanted to retain my peers of delightment by running track, not realizing I’m growing to hate it. I needed to find myself, I needed to stop listening to my peers and perform what De’Ja wanted to execute. When humans advance through rough times we find excuses to explain “why”. I maintained a job while in school and track arose to get more difficult as the days went by, I wanted a way

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