A Wall Of Fire Rising, By Edwidge Danticat

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“A Wall of Fire Rising,” by Edwidge Danticat is a story of dreamers. In this story are three characters, Lili, Little guy, and guy. This small family lives in a run-down town where work is hard to come by, leading to their poor life style. Lili is a hard worker, always doing what it takes to make sure there is food on the table. Her only hope is that her son will have a better life than the one they are currently living. Little Guy is like many young children; he loves his mother and father and is oblivious to his family’s circumstances. He is a hard worker and wants to succeed in school. Guy, a father who is struggling to create a life for his family, is also trying to find a meaning for his life. After a series of events in the story, Guy comes to the decision to commit suicide. Following his death are the reactions from his family, and ultimately, the end of the story. In “A Wall of Fire Rising,” we learn that man’s ability to dream, often takes an important role in their realities. We see this demonstrated by the thoughts, and actions of Lili, Little Guy, and Guy.
From the beginning, Lili proves to be a strong woman who only cares about the well-being for her family. She is always doing her best to provide and make sure there is food on the table. She cares for her husband and does what she can to keep him out of his depths of despair. Throughout the story, we can see that Lili proves to be the voice of reason within the family. We also discover that Lili does not find comfort in dreams, and would rather stick to reality. For example, in the story, guy asks Lili “Don’t you ever want to be something new?” Her response was “I don’t like it” (236). This shows that Lili is insecure when letting go of reality. She is afraid to dre...

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... story we see that Guy is unable to accept, what he thinks to be failure, and climbs out of the hot air balloon and falls to his death. Not only do his dreams die with him, but they also impact Lili and Little Guy with his absence.
“A Wall of Fire Rising,” by Edwidge Danticat is a story of dreamers. The actions of Lili, Little Guy, and Guy show the effect that their dreams have on their human reality. Lili didn’t believe much in dreams; she was the realist in the family. But you can see Little Guy use his dreams to strive to make himself a better, more educated individual. Guy on the other hand, used his dreams as a crutch that he could not move passed, and was always comparing his life with. In “A Wall of Fire Rising,” the characters become real because of their human desires and dreams. And man’s ability to dream, often takes an important role in their realities

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