A Thousand Rules

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In the section of “A Thousand Rules and Three Principles” stated that there are three principles to improve my writing better. E. Shelley Reid explains that “Write about what you know about so that you can show not just tell in order to adapt to your audience’s needs and accomplish your goals. Make clear points early so that your audience can spot your expertise or passion right from the start. Write multi-sentence paragraphs in which you show key ideas in enough detail that your audience doesn’t have to guess what you mean.” (4). This section display to me on making clear points to my topic early that way the reader does not become confused. This section also shows a big role in understanding what a person should know about their writing and …show more content…

Also, the most important information was to make sure the writer does not go overboard on making how small and big the paragraph should be. In this quote, it stated, “Writers need to remember that paragraphs help readers focus and manage their analytical energies. It’s good to have some variance in size and shape but not to overtax your readers with too much variation; it’s useful to write each paragraph with a clear beginning and ending to direct readers’ attention; and it’s helpful if paragraphs come with a blend of information and analysis to help readers “see what you mean” about your sub points and see how they relate to the overall point of your essay. (Reid 15). This quote explains how the writer should incorporated sub points ideas into putting the information all into one main topic. This section also tells the writer how much information a person should inform their audience in their paragraph, but not overwhelm their thought and mind to the reader. I can use this example to understand and tackle only the key ideas that way I do not ever put information that is unrelated to my topic. This section will help me understand what information I need to put in while trying to make my paragraph short and

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