A Successful Student: An Essay On Success And Success In High School

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A Successful Student
You might be sitting there right now trying to finish you assignment that is due tomorrow but you just started. It is probably late and you are going to stay up all night to finish it and go to school in the morning. This will only result in you being late for class, being in a cranky mood and not getting such a great mark on the paper. Procrastination and lack of sleep will not help you become successful in high school. These bad habits will make your high school life miserable. This is not the way to get through high school.
High school can be very tough for some students. Assignments, tests, social life and maintaining a healthy life style can be very exhausting. Even though, you have so much going on during these four years, you need to stay focused and also take care of yourself as these years will determine your future. Being successful in high school doesn’t only mean getting good grades, during these years a student doesn’t only learn in the class room but learns to build his character outside of the class room. At this age it is also important to be active and eat healthy. Managing all these things can be overwhelming but it is not impossible. If you want to be successful, you have to follow a routine to balance your school work, extracurricular activities and a healthy lifestyle.
In order to succeed in high school, you must set a realistic goal. To achieve this goal, the first thing you need is a positive attitude and the willingness to work hard, but that is not all. It is very important to have a plan and the right attitude to reach that goal but those things mean nothing if it’s not being put in to action. You can start by using materials such as an alarm clock to be on time. When you get t...

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... a responsible student and respect your schools rules and regulations. These qualities will definitely be useful when you finish high school and have a job. You boss will not be impressed if you come in to work late or are unprepared to work so start practicing in high school. Developing communication skills will also help you in the future when you have to make new friends at university or collage. You may have a job that requires you to talk to new customers every day so learn how to communicate in high school but joining clubs and making friends. As you get older you will also start to get lazier and not have time to exercise so get into the habit of managing your time so that you can continue being healthy after high school. You only have one chance to attend high school, so make use of this process to come out successful and make the best out of the adventure.

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