A Serial Killer's Sociological Routine

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A Serial Killer’s Sociological Routine There are several different types of murderers, with one of the most popular in the media being a serial killer. A serial killer is someone who kills at least three people at different times, with time in between each murder described as a “cooling off period”. After killing, they feel a sense of relief for a while, but when it wears off they feel the need to kill again to release their stress. Ronald Dominique is classified as a serial killer for murdering at least twenty-three men in Louisiana over the course of nine years. The number has never been clarified because Ronald claimed to have murdered more, but that he could not recall where he had dumped the bodies. This research investigated his victims, how he killed them, Ronald’s life, and people’s opinions about him. When Ronald was in high school, he was teased and bullied about being homosexual. It eventually became very hard for him to attend …show more content…

The researcher in this article was trying to understand what Ronald did, why he did it, how he did it, and to further describe a serial killer and the subtypes of a serial killer. Ronald was an organized, lust-motivated, power control killer who preyed on individuals with little or no connections. They published their research to be peer reviewed by other professionals to help review Ronald’s case and see if there might be any details they missed. I think this article was really interesting to see how someone could get away with murder for nine years and then suddenly slip up and get caught. Ronald’s signature was interesting because he told police that his victims always demanded more money, and that was the only reason that he killed them. I think when the researcher was asking Ronald questions, he should have asked if he had specific body types in mind and if he ever experienced remorse after his

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