A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike

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This Nike advertisement is showing the audience how their products can be used in a wide variety of sports and activities, by showing a kid running around town getting asked to join in on different activities while using different Nike products. The commercial uses famous athletes throughout the ad playing their respective sport to get the audience thinking “If I buy those Nike shoes, I could be wearing the same pair as my favorite athlete.” Nike establishes ethos, because every actor in the commercial is wearing Nike products from the shorts, shirts, gloves, shoes, socks, etc. which leads the consumer to see that Nike is widely used everywhere. Nike also uses logos by showing athletes wearing their products and pathos by showing the kid having …show more content…

Wanna run?” and the main actor in the commercial throws his popsicle away and pulls out Nike shoes, shorts, and then takes off his sweater to reveal, you guessed it, a Nike tank top. Along with the kid being in all his Nike gear, the other kids are playing in their Nike gear as well along with a Nike basketball. So in less than ten seconds, we’ve already seen that Nike is dominant in the basketball field by the use of their products in the sport. The ball winds up rolling in the street, where a 10k run is about to take place. The race starts and a running team asks him once again, “Hey kid, we’re short a guy. Wanna run?” and the kid just throws on his Nike running gear, he takes off his basketball shoes and throws on some Nike running shoes and his Nike running attire and proceeds to join in on the race, This scene alone presents the viewer with an absurd amount of Nike product placement as seen below. You can see that Nike is sponsoring this 10k Summer Sun Run, due to the Nike logos on the start sign and also along the street that probably extends to the finish line. It also appears that every runner has on their Nike gear as well, once again showing that Nike is also very dominant in the running

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