A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Clinton's Arguments

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An effective argument has many layers: the main point or claim, the supporting details, and the manner in which these elements are presented. To analyze a written work is to go beyond the surface meaning of the argument, pull apart the pieces, and determine how each piece adds to the overall argument. Examining the function of these pieces and how they work together can give an audience incite to why an argument is or is not effective. The audience is also able to decipher author’s intention. An author may be appealing to a certain audience or attempting to evoke a specific emotion to further his or her argument. By using logical and ethical audience appeals, phrase repetition, and historical references, Hillary Clinton argues the necessity …show more content…

4th World Conference in Beijing, China on the issue of women’s rights. Clinton addresses issues faced by young girls and women all around the world. These issues include the denial of basic rights such as freedom of speech, rights to certain protections, access to education, and involvement in political decisions. Another issue Clinton addresses is the widespread violation and abuse of women and girls. Clinton also affirms the impact of women on children, families, and communities. Clinton speaks for all women being abused, oppressed, or denied rights. Clinton urges men and women around the world to take action to fight the injustices and violence against women, voicing that the issue requires immediate …show more content…

Clinton’s audience is left understanding the necessity of women’s involvement in voting and lawmaking in order to improve and protect the lives of women. Clinton then asserts, “[W]omen’s rights are human rights.” It is only logical that women, as human beings, should have the basic rights entitled to everyone. This conclusion guides her audience to see that there is no sensible explanation for denying a woman her rights. Through her use logic and reason, Clinton is able to further her argument that women need equal rights and opportunities for their own protection and for the improvement of families and

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